June 14, 2008

Picnic With the Branch

Us girls with some of our Romanian Friends

Today we took the tram to Dacia and had a picnic with the branch. It was right behind the Dacia 7th floor apartment where we work, and out past the gypsy camps in the hills. It was such a beautiful day. Up in the hills, there are cows and horses grazing around and everything is so green. The sister missionaries were the only ones who couldn’t make it. Sora Rosenwall was bitten by a street dog and couldn’t get the right rabies shot she needed here. They had to go all the way to Germany to get it.

We ate pizza and juice, not much of a traditional picnic, but the last group got really sick from the food they had at their picnic so they wanted to play it safe. After we ate, a few people went out and rode Genina’s four wheeler around and the rest of us played ultimate Frisbee in the field. The grass was really tall and stickery, not to mention we were all in shorts and flip flops, so it made it kind of interesting. Someone would be running to catch the Frisbee and suddenly start screaming and jumping around after realizing they had run into a giant weed patch. Besides losing my sandals a million times and feeling all itchy, it was tons of fun. We had a huge group playing with us.

The scariest bridge ever...

After the picnic, we decided to hurry back to the city to catch “Indiana Jones” at the theater. We had walked back to the tram in two separate groups, and thought the other group had already gotten on the tram. We saw it leaving and sprinted to make it on just in time. When we got to the theater, the other girls weren’t there, so we assumed they decided not to see it after all. We walked to the Buc apartment, but they weren’t there. All of the keys to that apartment were with girls in the other group, so we couldn’t get in. We ended up sitting out in front of their building for 2 ½ hours. We found out later they were on the next tram after us and still went to the movie. At first we were annoyed waiting so long, but in the end, I think I had more fun sitting outside their apartment than I would have at the movie. We ate gogosi then talked about everything from most embarrassing moments to what everyone thinks our husbands will be like.