June 5, 2008

Hospital Pics (more added)

Florine being a stud. He got to go home!

Hanging out with the boys. We had a movie day and watched Spider Man 3 on my laptop.

Me & Whitney ready to get to work!

Taking Florine outside. He had five lei and we took him to the store across the parking lot to buy candy.

Me & Florine (not the Florine from previous journals- he went home) This florine has severely clubbed feet and cannot walk, but he loves to go outside.

This little boy, Marion, has failing kidneys and cannot get a transplant. The doctors said he is slowly dying. We don't know how long he has, but he sure has fun playing just like any normal toddler. Right before this picture, he was counting with me, yelling "Doi!" meaning two, and suddenly fell asleep mid-sentence!

Nothing is wrong with Marion's hand. They've just been doing blood transfusions from his hand and keep it wrapped up after.

Marion before he fell asleep.

Alex, Florine, and another boy in their same room had the greatest time playing a computer game on my laptop that Alex got in the Happy Meal we brought over to him. Then they were distorting their faces on Photo Booth and laughing so hard they cried.

The baby in the middle is the one I grew most attached to in the hospital. He didn't have a name, so I just started calling him Octavian and it stuck. He recently left the hospital and we don't know where he is now. The two older kids on the ends are sisters, Alexandra and Roxanna. When I first started playing with them, I thought they were boys. They keep all the kids hair short for hygienic reasons. The two girls were only in the hospital a few days, then got to leave. Alexandra on the left, gave us 1 lei (which is about 40 cents) and asked us to buy something for Octavian. Here, Orthodox Saints are expected to be charitable and give to the needy. No one asked her to, and I was impressed by her strong desire to help out.

Octavian & Roxanna

Me & Alexandra