May 25, 2008

My Kids! (Pictures)

Here are a few of my kids at the orphanage. These are copies of the pictures we had in a binder with each kid's profile and background information. I have about fifteen kids in Isolation, but these are just the few they had.

This is Alexi, the one I always talk about in my journals! He is almost completely blind. You can kind of see that he has one huge eye and one that never opens. He is secretly my favorite!
This is Cosmina. She only has two front teeth, but they are the biggest beaver teeth you have ever seen. Its so hilarious. I wish her mouth was open in this picture. She loves to be held and will just stare at your face for the longest time.
This is David. He gets ignored the most by the workers, because he is way in the back room. He is 14, but definitely doesn't look like it. He has severely deformed legs from laying in a crib all his life. He smiles so big when I help him stretch!
This is Ionuts (pronounced yo-noots). I absolutely love him! He is always grinding his teeth and has a really funny personality. I had to hold him down while he got his booster shots.

This is little Mihai! He is 6 1/2! Can you believe it? He is so tiny, yet he has the longest and skinniest legs I have ever seen. He rubs them together like a little grasshopper. He doesn't walk or talk, but he is so fun to interact with. He has parents that come visit him at the orphanage on weekends.
Oh, how can I sum up Radu?!? He has downs syndrome and is the most content and chill baby ever. When you tickle him, he has the most hilarious laugh you've ever heard! He giggles so hard, he can't breath and then lets out a huge sigh. We call him the 'starfish' because he is so floppy and lays all sprawled out in his crib.

This is Emanuela. I think she's four. She doesn't really interact at all, so it's harder to come up with things to do with her. We do get her to smile once in a while though.
Denis earned the nickname "gogoasa" which means doughnut. He is the fattest baby, way fatter than he was in this picture. He is completely normal, but we still give him lots of attention so he doesn't start developing disorders.

Daniel used to have clubbed feet, but he had surgery and is learning to walk. He also has hemophelia and bruises so badly from the tiniest fall. Right now, he has a giant black eye!

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